Services Offered

  • Phone consultations–(5-20 minutes; FREE)
    Call, text, email, or Click here to schedule
    Phone consultations can help answer any general questions you have and can help you decide if you want to schedule a full evaluation.
  • Full Myofunctional Therapy Evaluation–(60-80 minutes; $107.00)
    Call, text, email, or Click here to schedule
    A full evaluation consists of discussing myofunctional therapy, observing muscle function, looking at tongue mobility, discussing a lot of details about you from the day you were born to now, and discussing your goals.
  • Comprehensive Full Therapy Program–(typically 12-15 sessions; price varies based on needs)
    Deciding to do the full therapy program shows dedication and commitment. It can help ensure you see it through to the end and make the best improvements for your health. This program may include pre and post tongue tie release therapy if such a procedure is indicated.
  • Kids Program–(3 session bundle, age at my discretion)
    With young kids it’s hard to know how well they will do with myofunctional therapy, or if it is the best time for them to undertake the task.  For this reason, I plan for 3 sessions at a time. After each bundle of 3 sessions, we discuss how things are going and if another 3 is recommended and desired.
  • Habit Elimination–(number of sessions varies)
    From prolonged non nutritive sucking habits to nail biting or lip chewing, myofunctional therapy can help eliminate these harmful and unwanted habits.  Establishing proper tongue rest posture can make it easier to end the habit. After eliminating the habit, therapy should be continued to restore normal function of the facial muscles.

Read about Hannah’s own myofunctional therapy journey–how she learned about this type of therapy, addressed her own issues, and became a myofunctional therapist.