Functional Frenuloplasty or Functional Release

A functional frenuloplasty or functional release is a type of tongue tie release procedure. (Hannah’s had it done! Read about how she realized she had a tongue tie here.) The procedure is often performed in order to get the best results from myofunctional therapy.

The functional frenuloplasty is known by some as the “Zaghi method.” A well known ENT from Los Angeles, Dr. Zaghi, has made this procedure a common treatment option for a tongue tie. He has not only provided this procedure to clients but teaches other providers how to perform this type of procedure, has done research, and has a lot of great information available for clients and providers. This information can be found at The Breathe Institute.

Myofunctional therapy must be started at least 6 weeks before the functional frenuloplasty. This allows for the muscles to begin functioning to their maximum allowed by the tongue tie restriction. With pre-procedure therapy the muscles can better function to their full potential once the tongue tie is released. The therapy also helps the release provider know how much/where to release, decreases bleeding during the procedure, and improves healing after the procedure.

During the release procedure, the outside tissue/frenum is snipped and then tight muscle fibers are released further back. The provider will assess function during the procedure to allow for the best release and most improvements. Once the full release is complete, the provider will place sutures to close the incision area and allow for primary closure. During and right after the release procedure, clients sometimes notice instant improvements with relaxation, breathing, tension, and other symptoms.

Immediately before and after a functional frenuloplasty.

Myofunctional therapy continues after the functional frenuloplasty for weeks, or even months, until the 4 goals of myofunctional therapy have been met.

Contact us if you have questions about the functional frenuloplasty procedure or if you need help finding a provider that does this procedure.